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Lower Secondary

The search returned 37 results.

David Kadish

Ministry of Education - Petach Tikva schools; Beit Berl College

Dr. Kadish is headmaster of the Petach Tikva Farm School for Agricultural and Environmental Education; his formal education is in plant pathology; his area of teaching at Beit Berl college is agriculture as a platform for bringing the environment into schools

Iggy Aram

HIRIYA Recycling Park, Dan Region Association of Towns

Iggy is a member of the educational team of the environmental education center at HIRIYA Recycling Park. She has a Master degree in Environmental Education from the Kibbutzim college of Education, where her thesis explored waste education conducted at the HIRIYA environmental education center as a platform for transformative education.

Inga Kau?ikait?-Kanaporien?

Širvint? "T?km?s" school

Inga Kau?ikait?-Kanaporien? is a teacher and co-founder of community school which aims to educate environmentally and socially responsible citizens. In practice she applies holistic teaching approach oriented towards problem-based learning and nature conservation.

Katja Vuorensyrjä

Koli Nature Centre

Senior Adviser, Parks & Wildlife