Postal Address: Agiou Andreou 306, P.O. Box 56091, 3304 Lemesos, Cyprus
Postal Address: Agiou Andreou 306, P.O. Box 56091, 3304 Lemesos, Cyprus
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Lower Secondary
The search returned 37 results.
Ministry of Education, Petach Tikva Farm School for Agricultural and Environmental Education
Museum of Science and Technology
Colegio Santa María del Pilar (marianistas)
IES "El Portillo", Zaragoza
Secondary education teacher, researcher on environmental issues and creator of school materials in order to achieve competency learning on the part of his students. Expert on issues of depopulation, landscapes and impacts of globalization.
AGE (Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles)
Director of Argyroupolis Center for Environmental Education (ACEE)
Granada University , Experimental Sciences Didactics.
His work is mostly about teachers' and students' attitudes towards science in secondary school and he questions how environmental education is taught in different international programs
Private office of Environmental Education Consultation
Kinneret College
Seminar Hakibbutzim College