In the GAIA Repository Database for Environmental Citizenship of ENEC you can find scientific measures and evidence based interventions that target Environmental Citizenship. Acting as a platform for knowledge exchange and mapping expertise you can find also Good examples and Best educational practices leading to pro-environmental attitudes, behavior and values and to Environmental Citizenship. Knowledge exchange and mapping expertise is important for GAIA which enables and promotes:
- communication
- exchange of scientific expertise and experiences
- collaboration and new research activities
In the GAIA Repository Database for Environmental Citizenship of ENEC you can find information related, among other, to the following:
- Educational Interventions
- Learning materials
- Programs
- Scientific measures
- Public authorities
- NGOs
- Schools & Educational Institutions
- Experts
- Researchers and scholars
- Policy officials
- Teachers
Declaration: Terms & Conditions
Based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Legislation I fully accept that my personal data and all the data that I submit and upload to be collected, stored, handled, analyzed published, changed, transmitted, erased or otherwise used in the European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC) website and social media as well as in the GAIA Repository Database for Environmental Citizenship of ENEC and generally in ENEC. I fully accept also the Privacy policy of the European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC).