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Secondary Education

The search returned 27 results.

Shachar Kahanovitz

The Heschel Center for Sustainability

Shachar has bachelor degree in Science Education with speciality in democratic and sustainability education, and a Master degree in Environmental Studies from Tel Aviv University. Shachar is director of the center for sustainability studies in the Heschel Center, and lecture sustainability education in the Kibbutzim College of education

Iggy Aram

HIRIYA Recycling Park, Dan Region Association of Towns

Iggy is a member of the educational team of the environmental education center at HIRIYA Recycling Park. She has a Master degree in Environmental Education from the Kibbutzim college of Education, where her thesis explored waste education conducted at the HIRIYA environmental education center as a platform for transformative education.

Inga Kau?ikait?-Kanaporien?

Širvint? "T?km?s" school

Inga Kau?ikait?-Kanaporien? is a teacher and co-founder of community school which aims to educate environmentally and socially responsible citizens. In practice she applies holistic teaching approach oriented towards problem-based learning and nature conservation.

Slobodanka Sibalic

Museum of Science and Technology


Colegio Santa María del Pilar (marianistas)

Javier Velilla Gil
Researcher, Teacher

IES "El Portillo", Zaragoza


Secondary education teacher, researcher on environmental issues and creator of school materials in order to achieve competency learning on the part of his students. Expert on issues of depopulation, landscapes and impacts of globalization.

Themistoklis Sbarounis

Director of Argyroupolis Center for Environmental Education (ACEE)