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The search returned 37 results.

Daphne Goldman
Researcher, Teacher

Beit Berl College

Associate professor; formal education in biology and environmental science; research interests in environmental and sustainability education (formal and nonformal, all levels of educaitonal pipeline, pedagogical approaches, multicultural' agricutlure education as platform for ESE, ESE policy in Israel)/ Involved in directing developments in STEM education at Beit Berl College.

María Purificación Subires Mancera
Researcher, Teacher

Universidad de Málaga

Ph.D, Researcher in Environmental Journalism and Associate Professor of Science and Environmental Journalism in the Department of Journalism at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Málaga (Spain).

Javier Velilla Gil
Researcher, Teacher

IES "El Portillo", Zaragoza


Secondary education teacher, researcher on environmental issues and creator of school materials in order to achieve competency learning on the part of his students. Expert on issues of depopulation, landscapes and impacts of globalization.

Daniel David Martínez Romera
Researcher, Teacher

AGE (Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles)

Nektarios Tsagliotis
Expert, Researcher, Teacher

University of Crete

Skype: nektsag

Nektarios Tsagliotis is a teacher-researcher in the field of science education. He has taught primary science for the past 23 years and also works as a researcher at the University of Crete, in the department of primary education. In this role, he is in charge of the Primary Science Laboratory at the 9th Primary School of Rethymno, Crete, providing support and in-service training for the teachers of the region. He is interested in inquiry-based teaching and learning in science, in authentic investigative environments