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Formal Education

The search returned 119 results.

José Eduardo Vílchez López

Centro de Estudios Universitarios Cardenal Spínola CEU

Science Educacion and Organic Chemistry

Isabel Banos-González

Department of Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Faculty of Education. University of Murcia, Spain.

Training teachers to deal with global environmental problems.

Eva Alvarez
Researcher, Teacher

Universitat Politècnica de València


She has served as the Vice Dean for International Affairs at the School of Architecture at Universitat Politècnica de València (2014–2016) and has chaired AULAhna agreement between hna (insurance group) and UPV (2014–2019). Since 1995, she has been teaching Studio courses at UPV and she has taught at Leibniz University in Hannover, Architectural Association in London and Virginia Tech in US, TU Berlin, BOKU Vienna, Sapienza Universitá di Roma and IUAV in Venice.

Dolores Victoria Ruiz Garrido
Expert, Researcher

Anda Arquitectura, Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza

@doloresvict ( twitter)

Since 2010 teaching and researching new ways for improving young people's knowledge about sustainable cities and contemporary architecture. She fosters creative thinking and participatory processes to improve and solve local and global enviromental issues. She is the funder of "Little Architect", the British program teaching sustainable architecture in primary schools.

Anita Filipcic

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography